24 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Akurasi Euclidean Distance, Minkowski Distance, dan Manhattan Distance pada Algoritma K-Means Clustering berbasis Chi-Square

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    In data mining, there are several algorithms that are often used in grouping data, including K-Means. However, this method still has several disadvantages, including the problem of the level of accuracy of the methods used to measure the similarities between the objects being compared. To overcome this problem, in this study a comparison was made between three methods (euclidean distance, manhattan distance, and minkowski distance) to determine the status of disparity in Teacher's needs in Tegal City. The results showed that of the three methods compared had a good level of accuracy, which is 84.47% (for euclidean distance), 83.85% (for manhattan distance), and 83.85% (for minkowski distance). In addition, this study also informs that there are still 6 (six) schools with conditions that are very poorly available for teachers (in the category of HIGH disparity labels) and need to get more attention, which is SMP Atmaja Wacana, SMKN 3 Tegal, SMAS Muhammadiyah, SMAS Pancasakti Tegal, SMKS Muhammadiyah 1 Kota Tegal, dan SMP IC Bias Assalam


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    Abstract. Tegal City is a small city that has quite a lot of education units. In this city, there are 203 educational units that are still active. Most of the education units in this city already have adequate facilities and infrastructure and teachers with an ideal ratio, especially at the Vocational High School level. However, in some vocational-level education units there are still many who use conventional methods in the direction of their students, namely using Excel spreadsheets. Such conditions require the participation of information technology that has applied scientific methods (decision support systems) in order to be supportive for decision makers in determining decisions and policies, in this case the determination of new student majors. The criteria for student selection used are mathematics test scores, English language, interests and talents, color blindness, height, report cards, UAS and UAN scores. The problem faced is how to determine students' decisions that are best suited to their interests and talents. Community service activities are a solution to these conditions or problems. This activity was carried out for two days, on the first day an introduction to information systems and decision support systems was carried out, and on the second day there was training on the use of decision support systems. The methods used in the implementation of this event are methods of presentation, discussion, question and answer, training based on modules that have been prepared, and mentoring. The result and benefit of this activity is the new student candidate selection committee can easily identify the suitability of the department for new prospective students. Abstrak. Kota Tegal merupakan kota kecil yang memiliki satuan pendidikan cukup banyak. Di kota ini, terdapat 203 satuan pendidikan yang masih aktif. Sebagian besar satuan pendidikan yang ada di kota ini telah memiliki sarana dan prasarana yang memadai dan guru dengan rasio ideal, khususnya di tingkat Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK). Namun, di beberapa satuan pendidikan tingkat SMK masih banyak yang menggunakan metode konvensional dalam penjurusan siswanya, yakni menggunakan excel spreadsheet. Kondisi seperti ini membutuhkan peran serta dari teknologi informasi yang telah menerapkan metode ilmiah (sistem pendukung keputusan) agar dapat menjadi pendukung bagi para pengambil keputusan dalam menentukan keputusan maupun kebijakan, dalam hal ini penentuan jurusan siswa baru. Kriteria untuk pemilihan siswa yang digunakan adalah nilai tes matematika, bahasa inggris, minat dan bakat, buta warna, tinggi badan, nilai rapor, nilai UAS dan UAN. Masalah yang dihadapi adalah bagaimana menentukan keputusan siswa yang terbaik sesuai dengan minat dan bakatnya. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini menjadi solusi terhadap kondisi atau permasalahan tersebut. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan selama dua hari, di hari pertama dilakukan pengenalan sistem informasi dan sistem pendukung keputusan, dan di hari kedua dilakukan pelatihan penggunaan sistem pendukung keputusan. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini adalah metode presentasi, diskusi, tanya jawab, pelatihan berdasarkan modul yang telah disiapkan dan pendampingan. Hasil dan manfaat dari kegiatan ini adalah panitia seleksi calon siswa baru dapat dengan mudah mengidentifikasi kesesuaian jurusan bagi calon siswa baru.


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    Abstrak: Di era disrupsi digital peran teknologi sangat berpengaruh pada interaksi manusia dengan teknologi itu sendiri. Hal ini terjadi di berbagai aspek kehidupan, tanpa terkecuali di dunia pendidikan. Salah satu teknologi yang saat ini paling banyak memeberikan kontribusi bagi dunia bisnis, pemerintahan, maupun dunia pendidikan adalah teknologi Barcode/QR-Code. Teknologi tersebut sangat meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektifitas dalam berbagai operasional maupun pelayanan di suatu organisasi. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah meningkatkan knowledge dan skills pada peserta pengabdian dalam menggunakan dan mengimplmentasikan teknologi QR-Code. Pada kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan pengenalan dan pemanfaatan teknologi barcode/qr-code pada aplikasi presensi siswa di SMK AN NUR Slawi menggunakan metode ceramah, pelatihan dan pendampingan berbasis cooperative learning dengan peserta sejumlah 33 peserta yang terdiri dari 30 siswa dan 3 Guru. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar peserta mengalami peningkatan dari sisi knowledge atau pengetahuan tentang teknologi QR-Code sebesar 90% dan peningkatan dari sisi skills atau kemampuan sebesar 86.7%. Selain itu, implementasi aplikasi presensi berbasis qr-code pada kegiatan ini juga mendapatkan respon yang sangat positif dari kepala sekolah karna dirasa sangat membantu pihak sekolah dalam melakukan evaluasi presensi siswa secara real-time.Abstract: In the era of digital disruption, the role of technology is very influential in human interaction with technology itself. This happens in various aspects of life, without exception in the field of education. One of the technologies that currently contributes the most to the field of business, government, and the field of education is Barcode/QR-Code technology. This technology greatly improves efficiency and effectiveness in various operations and services in an organization. The purpose of this community empowerment activity is to increase the knowledge and skills of service participants in using and implementing QR-Code technology. In this community empowerment activity, the introduction and use of barcode/qr-code technology was carried out in the student presence application at SMK AN NUR Slawi Tegal Central Java using lecture methods, training and mentoring based on cooperative learning with 33 participants consisting of 30 students and 3 teachers. The results of this community empowerment activity show that most of the participants experienced an increase in terms of knowledge about the QR-Code technology by 90% and an increase in terms of skills or abilities by 86.7%. In addition, the implementation of the qr-code based attendance application in this activity also received a very positive response from the The school principal because it was felt to be very helpful for the school in evaluating student attendance in real-time.

    Perbandingan Akurasi Euclidean Distance, Minkowski Distance, dan Manhattan Distance pada Algoritma K-Means Clustering berbasis Chi-Square

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    In data mining, there are several algorithms that are often used in grouping data, including K-Means. However, this method still has several disadvantages, including the problem of the level of accuracy of the methods used to measure the similarities between the objects being compared. To overcome this problem, in this study a comparison was made between three methods (euclidean distance, manhattan distance, and minkowski distance) to determine the status of disparity in Teacher's needs in Tegal City. The results showed that of the three methods compared had a good level of accuracy, which is 84.47% (for euclidean distance), 83.85% (for manhattan distance), and 83.85% (for minkowski distance). In addition, this study also informs that there are still 6 (six) schools with conditions that are very poorly available for teachers (in the category of HIGH disparity labels) and need to get more attention, which is SMP Atmaja Wacana, SMKN 3 Tegal, SMAS Muhammadiyah, SMAS Pancasakti Tegal, SMKS Muhammadiyah 1 Kota Tegal, and SMP IC Bias Assalam


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    Abstrak: Kolaborasi merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam menunjang produktivitas kerja bagi civitas academica. Namun aturan Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat (PPKM) karena pandemi covid-19 mengakibatkan banyaknya institusi pendidikan yang menerapkan sistem Work From Home (WFH). Dengan sistem WFH civitas academica tidak dapat melakukan kolaborasi secara langsung seperti biasanya. Hal ini menjadi tantangan bagi civitas academica dalam menjalankan setiap tugas mereka, terutama dalam kegiatan yang membutuhkan kolaborasi atau kerjasama dalam pengelolaan berkas atau dokumen. Google Platforms menyediakan berbagai fitur dan layanan (seperti drive, docs, form, sheet) yang dapat digunakan sebagai solusi untuk kolaborasi pengelolaan berkas secara daring tanpa dibatasi ruang dan waktu. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini menjadi solusi terhadap kondisi tersebut. Kegiatan pengabdian ini mengenalkan platform dari Google yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan evaluasi dan kolaborasi dan melakukan pelatihan penggunaan platform tersebut. Tahapan kegiatan dimulai dengan mengenalkan platform google, dilanjutkan dengan pelatihan dan pendampingan. Dengan adanya kegiatan tersebut, peserta pengabdian merasa lebih mudah dalam melakukan evaluasi dan kolaborasi dalam manajemen bekas secara daring. Kegiatan ini mendapatkan respon positif dari mayoritas peserta, ditunjukkan dengan 90% peserta menyatakan tertarik untuk menggunakan google platform untuk menunjang produktivitas kerja.Abstract: Collaboration is important in supporting work productivity for the academic community. However, the rules for the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic have resulted in many educational institutions implementing the Work From Home system. With the WFH system, the academic community cannot collaborate directly as usual. This is a challenge for the academic community in carrying out their duties, especially in activities that require collaboration in managing documents. Google Platforms provides various features (such as drives, docs, forms, sheets) that can be used as solutions for collaborative online file management without being limited by place and time. This community service activity is a solution to this condition. This service activity introduces a platform from Google that can be used to evaluate and collaborate and conduct training on the use of the platform. The stages of the activity begin with introducing the Google platform, followed by training and mentoring. With this activity, devotion participants find it easier to evaluate and collaborate in online former management. This activity also received a positive response from the majority of activity participants, indicated by 90% of participants interested to use the Google platform to support their work productivity

    Studi Pengenalan Teknologi Artificial Intelligence Bagi Guru dan Siswa SMK Nurul Islam Larangan

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    SMK Nurul Islam is a vocational high school located in Larangan sub-district, Brebes district, which was founded by the Nurul Islam Slatri educational foundation. Based on the results of an initial survey conducted at partners, that students, teachers, and employees (+- 80%) have heard of the industrial revolution 4.0, but only 30% have heard of Artificial Intelligence. And from the survey, it was found that only 2% have understood and understood Artificial Intelligence technology, which has been applied in almost all sectors of life. The survey results also show that all teachers, employees, and students are familiar with the use of information technology, such as: laptops, smartphones, and the internet. However, the current trend of information technology development is that many do not understand, especially regarding the application of the concept of Artificial Intelligence technology, such as: Face Recognition, Speech Recognition, Expert System, Chatboot, Image Detection, and others. Therefore, community service activities were carried out with the theme Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Technology. The methods of presentation, dialogue and demonstration are carried out in the implementation of these community service activities. Based on community service activities and the comparison between the results of the pre-test and post-test, it is obtained that the knowledge and understanding of partners, namely: students and teachers of SMK Nurul Islam Prohibition on Artificial Intelligence is increasing

    Feature extraction in batik image geometric motif using canny edge detection

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    One of Indonesia's priceless cultural heritages is batik. Even UNESCO was admitting that batik is an intellectual, cultural right of the Indonesian (October 2). Unfortunately, many Indonesian do not have sufficient knowledge about the various types of the existence of batik's motifs. In fact, in each of these motifs, many treasures must be maintained. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a model that can recognize batik motifs automatically. The model can be built using various kinds of pattern recognition algorithms. One of the most important stages in the introduction of batik motifs is the feature extraction. Feature extraction is needed to determine the parameters that able to define character a batik's motif. One feature extraction model that can be done is by using edge detection. This research focuses on feature extraction using Canny edge detection. The result of edge detection is forming the pattern of a batik motif. The pattern contains pixel values 0 and 1. These values can later be used as input at the classification stage

    Studi Mengenai Kejahatan dan Keamanan Internet bagi Guru dan Siswa SMK Muhammadiyah Bulakamba

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    SMK Muhammadiyah Bulakamba merupakan sekolah menengah kejuruan yang ada di wilayah kecamatan Bulakamba, kabupaten Brebes. Hasil survey yang dilakukan, bahwa hampir semua guru, karyawan, dan siswa (99%) menggunakan internet untuk keperluan pembelajaran, kegiatan sosial, hobi dan lainnya pada saat di dalam maupun diluar sekolah. Dengan penggunaan internet yang maksimal maka potensi terhadap kejahatan internet juga sangat tinggi. Kejahatan internet sangat penting diketahui oleh penggunanya, demikian pula bagi guru, karyawan, dan siswa SMK Muhammadiyah Bulakamba. Ini dikarenakan kejahatan internet dapat menyebabkan akibat yang fatal, seperti: hilangnya data, pemalsuan akun, perusakan data dan lainnya.      Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan sebuah pembelajaran bagi guru dan siswa SMK Muhammadiyah Bulakamba mengenai kejahatan dan keamanan internet. Metode yang dilaksanakan yakni dengan memberikan presentasi, diskusi, pelatihan dan pendampingan. Berdasarkan kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan, maka hasil yang didapatkan adalah pengetahuan, pemahaman, kompetensi guru dan siswa SMK Muhammadiyah Bulakamba mengenai kejahatan dan keamanan internet semakin meningkat

    Implementasi Pendekatan Rule-Of-Thumb untuk Optimasi Algoritma K-Means Clustering

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    In the big data era, the clustering of data or so-called clustering has attracted great interest or attention from researchers in conducting various studies, many grouping algorithms have been proposed in recent times. However, as technology evolves, data volumes continue to grow and data formats are increasingly varied, thus making massive data grouping into a huge and challenging task. To overcome this problem, various research related methods for data grouping have been done, among them is K-Means. However, this method still has some shortcomings, among them is the sensitivity issue in determining the value of cluster (K). In this paper we discuss the implementation of the rule-of-thumb approach and the normalization of data on the K-Means method to determine the number of clusters or K values dynamically in the data groupings. The results show that the implementation of the approach has a significant impact (related to time, number of iterations, and no outliers) in the data grouping

    Pembangunan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis E-Learning di SMA NU Ma'Arif Jatinegara Tegal

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    Internet learning sebagai sebuah proses pembelajran berbasis elektronik yang digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran dierikan untuk para guru dan sekolah di SMA NU Ma'Arif Jatinegara Kota Tegal, melalui kegiatan pelatihan dilakukan sebagai upaya dalam upaya meningkatkan keterampilan dan pengetahuan guru dalam memahami dan membangun e-learning. Metode kegiatan yang digunakan adalah model pembelajaran partisipatif sehingga memberikan kebebasan kepada para peserta pelatihan untuk lebih memahami materi yang disampaikan. Media yang digunakan untuk membuat e-learning menggunakan Edmodo sebagai tools. Berdarsarkan hasil evaluasi terhadap kegiatan pelatihan tersebut memeprlihatkan hampir 80% peserta pelatiahan sudah mampu membuat media pembelajaran e-learning dengan baik